
Thursday, 3 October 2013

Poisson to play 2 gigs this week.

Poisson Rouge are playing 2 gigs this week.

Friday 4th October - Palstone Park Recreation Hall, South Brent, Devon - 8pm

Saturday 5th October, d'Accord Autumn Bal/Fest Noz - Exwick Parish Hall, Nr Exeter, EX4 2AA, - 8pm 
As part of the  Autumn Bal and the band, as the d'Accord house band, will be introducing Kantref from Wales.
The event actually starts in the afternoon at 2pm with a Breton dance workshop led by Annette Davies.
Then at 5pm there will ber a bring and share supper.
Bal starts at 8pm with Poisson Rouge and Kantref will play at about 9pm.
£15 on the door for the whole event or £8 per session
contact or 01837 871498 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

We enjoyed playing for a barndance at the Nudefest, Newperran, Cornwall on Wednesday 10th July. We'd love to play for another event sometime.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Next gig.

Poisson Rouge are next playing at:

South Brent Bal Folk

Palstone Park Recreation Hall,
South Brent, Devon
Friday 7th June 2013 - 8pm.


Poisson Rouge's album, 'Cinq' is available at £8. 
Please email: Poisson Rouge